A digital meeting point

The Royal Danish Library INTRANET is a digital meeting point




Following the fusion of several library organizations the Royal Danish Library found itself with numerous different intranet platforms, confusing the users.


With IntraActive the organization has gained a joint collaboration and communication platform.  

The Royal Danish Library

How do you create a joint digital platform when several organizations join together as one, each bringing their own systems to the table? ProActive has helped the Royal Danish Library solve this challenge.

"Our employees are excited about their new digital hub. One of our success criteria was to get more momentum in the news distribution. Before, it was difficult to make news and you had to choose where the news was to be published on 4 different platforms, which scared most people away. Now we see 2-3 news every day on our new common intranet. The use of Teams has also gone really well. The introductory courses for Microsoft Teams in IntraActive Learning have made the collaboration tool easily accessible to everyone, and users have created more than 200 new teams in just 3 weeks. With IntraActive Governance for Microsoft Teams, we ensure that the new teams have the metadata and policies attached that allow us to keep track of them. We have been pleased with the collaboration with ProActive and for the choice of IntraActive as a platform for our digital meeting point."
Bjarne Andersen
Deputy Director of IT, the Royal Danish Library

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