IntraActive supports Eurowind’s extensive international growth

23. December 2023

Eurowind Energy, a leading Danish developer and operator of wind, solar and hybrid projects, has achieved extensive growth in a short time.

In just a few years, Eurowind Energy has expanded to 16 countries and gained over 500 employees. The large growth has resulted in increased demands on the company’s internal communication and knowledge sharing. Previously, Eurowind Energy was used to sharing internal news on e-mails sent to everyone, while internal policies, the personnel handbook, etc. was stored on systems that not everyone had access to. The status quo was no longer good enough.

For several years, Eurowind Energy has collaborated with Fellowmind, which has handled the operation of Eurowind’s IT infrastructure. Due to the strong collaboration, Fellowmind was the natural choice as supplier of Eurowind’s new intranet.

"We can feel that Fellowmind has our back. Fellowmind has supported us in our growth and we can always reach out to our contacts for immediate help and assistance."
Lotte Pape Topholt
Head of IT, Eurowind Energy

A complete package for the digital workplace

Fellowmind offered Eurowind 3 useful products, with features that make it possible to streamline and improve Eurowind’s digital workplace:

"I think it was an exciting package because it contained exactly what we were missing."
Lotte Pape Topholt
Head of IT, Eurowind Energy

Successful implementation

The implementation of IntraActive was launched in four stages. As part of the launch, Eurowind held a naming competition to find the name of the new intranet. The winner was the name Ewersite. The launch itself was marked by a successful kickoff event in the canteen at the head office in Hobro, where all employees got nice drinks with the Ewersite logo on top.

With the new intranet, Eurowind has managed to move the majority of internal communication from e-mail to the intranet, and the platform has become a joint communication platform for employees across locations.

The successful implementation of the IntraActive products has only made the collaboration with Fellowmind even stronger.

"When I have questions about the technical side, I get detailed answers with screenshots and explanations that make it all make sense. It's as if the consultant from Fellowmind is sitting right next to me, ready to help. It's really nice. I am also happy about the community that exists around IntraActive with the other customers, where you can get product news and exchange ideas with like-minded people from other companies."
Emma Aunsbjerg Darum
IT Communication Consultant, Eurowind Energy

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